Our Volunteers
The Royal Newfoundland Regiment Museum is wholly owned and supported by the Royal Newfoundland Regiment Regimental Advisory Council (RAC) made up of former members of the RNFLDR and civilian Friends of the Regiment.
The Museum Committee is a sub committee of the RAC and is comprised of a mixed background of individuals brought together for their expertise and commitment to the Regiment including three former commanding officers.
The Museum Committee includes:
Frank Gogos – Museum Chair
Dale Hutchings
David Mercer
Chris Butt
Lt. Col. (ret’d) John MacDonald, CD – CO of 1st Battalion 2006 – 2010 and 2nd Battalion 2010 – 2013
Chris Reid
Lt. Col. (ret’d) Norm Bull, CD – CO of 1st Battalion 1972-74
Lt. Col. (ret’d) Barry Mackay, CD – twice CO of 1st Battalion from 1978 – 1980 and 1989 – 1993
Captain (ret’d) Ken Lutz, CD
Captain (ret’d) Ben Gardner – Original member of the 166th (Newfoundland) Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery, became a member of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment after the 166th amalgamated with the regiment in 1961
Anthony McAllister, CD
Peter G. Noel
Paige Brennan
Melanie Martin